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The Best VR Zone For Event

The Best VR Games and Experiences:
Transform Your Event with VR Zone

In recent years, Virtual Reality (VR) technology has taken the world by storm, revolutionizing the way we experience entertainment and interact with digital content. VR zones have become a popular addition to events, offering attendees an immersive and unforgettable experience. 

The Best VR Zone For Event’s

a. Beat Saber: This rhythm-based game combines music and lightsaber-wielding action, making it a hit among gamers and music enthusiasts. Players must slash colored blocks in time with the beat, creating a visually mesmerizing spectacle for spectators.

b. Superhot VR: Prepare for an adrenaline rush with Superhot VR. This unique game slows down time as players dodge bullets and take down enemies in stylish slow-motion sequences. 

c. Job Simulator: If you want to inject some humor into your event, Job Simulator is the way to go.  It’s perfect for team-building events and networking sessions.

VR Activity Done for E&Y

VR zone for event
Warrior: Defeat The Enemy

Our Interactive Games:

Our interactive games are carefully curated to engage participants of all ages and interests. From adrenaline-pumping challenges to mind-bending puzzles, we offer a wide selection of games that cater to various preferences. Whether it’s virtual reality or augmented reality experiences, our interactive games are designed to provide participants with a unique and thrilling adventure.

  • AR Scavenger Hunts: Transforming traditional scavenger hunts into an interactive AR experience, participants embark on a tech-enabled adventure. They use their smartphones or tablets to follow clues, unlock challenges, and explore the event venue like never before.

  • VR Escape Rooms: For those seeking an exciting challenge, our VR escape rooms provide an immersive and collaborative experience. Participants work together to solve puzzles, crack codes, and escape from virtual scenarios within a time limit, fostering teamwork and problem-solving skills.

  • AR Sports Games: Step onto the virtual sports field with our AR sports games. From virtual basketball and soccer to interactive tennis, participants can experience the thrill of sports without leaving the event venue.

At Zeal Interactive Services, we take event entertainment to the next level by providing cutting-edge interactive games, AR/VR zones, and VR equipment rental services. we cater to a diverse range of events, from corporate gatherings and trade shows to private parties and educational functions. Whether you want to captivate your audience with immersive experiences or foster team-building through interactive gaming, we have the expertise and technology to make your event a resounding success.

Creating AR/VR Zones:

Our expertise lies in designing and setting up captivating AR/VR zones for events. We understand that creating an immersive zone requires a strategic approach to content selection, equipment setup, and seamless execution. Our team of skilled professionals collaborates with event organizers to tailor AR/VR zones that align with the event’s theme and objectives.

  • Custom Content Development: We can create customized AR/VR experiences that reflect your brand identity or event theme. 

  • Seamless Integration: Our experienced technicians handle the setup and integration of AR/VR equipment into the event venue. With meticulous attention to detail, we ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for both participants and event organizers.

  • Interactive Demonstrations: During the event, our team is on hand to provide interactive demonstrations, guiding participants through the AR/VR experiences and ensuring everyone has a fantastic time.

VR Equipment Rental Services:

We also offer VR equipment rental services, allowing event organizers to leverage the latest VR technology without the need for a long-term investment.

High-Quality VR Equipment

Our rental inventory includes top-of-the-line VR headsets, motion controllers, and accessories from leading brands. We maintain our equipment to the highest standards to ensure optimal performance.


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